Spendge specializes in issuing Visa/MasterCard virtual cards for teams and individual mediabuyers. Spendge virtual cards work great with popular advertising platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Google, TikTok, Bing, and others.

Alyona Spendge
Written by Alyona Spendge


OTC-Exchange (Over-The-Counter Exchange) is a convenient feature that allows you to quickly and easily exchange cryptocurrency and popular fiat currencies such as Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), and US Dollar (USD) directly through our platform.

We carry out

  • Receiving cryptocurrency and sending the transfer to fiat currencies EUR, GBP, and USD to the company.

  • Receiving fiat currencies EUR, GBP, and USD from the company and sending cryptocurrency.

  • Receiving fiat currencies EUR, GBP, USD, and UAH from a company and sending a transfer in fiat currencies EUR, GBP, USD, and UAH to another company.

  • It is important to note that we do not do GBP-GBP transfers.

How to create an exchange request

Step 1

The OTC Exchange section is located in the side menu.

The exchange process is simple and convenient for you. All you need to do is submit an exchange request. To do this, click on the Create Request button.

Select the type of exchange:

  • Between 2 Companies - Receiving fiat currencies EUR, GBP, USD, and UAH from a company and sending a transfer to fiat currencies EUR, GBP, USD, and UAH to another company.

  • Between Company and Wallet - Receiving cryptocurrency and transferring to fiat currencies EUR, GBP, and USD for a company/Receiving fiat currencies EUR, GBP, and USD from a company and sending cryptocurrency.

Select the payment method:

  • From - currency of transfer

  • To - currency of exchange

  • Amount you get - amount of funds you want to receive as a result of the transfer

After filling out the form, you will see a provisional calculation of the transaction. The final amount is communicated to you by our finance manager, and you will also see it in the Request Details section after the exchange.

Step 2

If you have chosen the exchange type Between Company and Wallet, and conversion of cryptocurrency to fiat currencies, then in the Sender section you will see a form to fill in information about the sender's cryptocurrency wallet:

  • Wallet - cryptocurrency wallet

  • Wallet Name

  • Wallet ID

  • Network - crypto network

If you have chosen to convert a fiat currency to cryptocurrency, then in the Sender section you will see a form to fill in information about the sending company (instructions for filling it in the paragraph below), and in the Recipient section you will see a form to fill in information about the recipient's cryptocurrency wallet.

Make sure that you added the wallet address correctly. In case of a mistake, funds will be lost during the transaction.

If you have chosen the exchange type Between Company and Wallet and conversion to cryptocurrency, or the exchange type Between 2 Companies, then in the Sender item you will see a form to fill in information about the sending company:

  • About Company - information about the company

  • Contact Person - data of the company's employee, who will handle the transfer

  • Account Bank Details - information about the company's bank details from which funds will be sent

  • Documents - documents about the company

Step 3

If you have chosen the exchange type Between Company and Wallet and conversion to fiat currencies, or the exchange type Between 2 Companies, then in the Recipient item you will see a form to fill in the information about the recipient company:

  • About Company - information about the company

  • Contact Person - data of the company's employee, who will handle the transfer

  • Account Bank Details - information about the company's bank details, to which the funds will be received

  • Documents - documents about the company

! Please fill out the request carefully to ensure the successful processing of your request.

The new request will be added to the general table with a status of New. Our Finance Manager will check the company details provided to ensure everything is in order and then the Legal Approve process will be completed. Once everything is confirmed, the exchange will be completed. You can easily track the status of the application in your personal Spendge account. You will receive an email when the application status changes.

Application statuses

  • New - a request has been created but not yet accepted for work. In this status, you have an opportunity to cancel the request by pressing the Cancel Request button.

  • In Progress - a request is being processed. You cannot cancel a request in this status. Wait for updates.

  • Paying - a request has passed to the stage of exchange and payment

  • Success - a request has been successfully completed

  • Rejected - a request has been rejected by the manager

  • Canceled - a request has been canceled at your request.



  • Requests - your requests

  • Companies - your saved companies. Statuses of your saved companies:

    • New - the company has not yet received legal approval

    • Approved - the company has received legal approval. When submitting new requests, the company data will be filled in automatically.

    • Rejected - the company has not passed legal approval and the exchange cannot be made. You can check the details with the financial manager on Telegram.

  • Crypto list - list of saved crypto wallets


  • OTC ID - request ID

  • Status - request status

  • Creation date period - date of request creation

By clicking on View Details, you will be able to view the final fee at which the transfer was made (Total Fee).

In addition to convenience, we also provide easy communication between you and our financial manager via Telegram chat.

! Please note that access to the OTC-Exchange feature is only available to customers who have successfully completed an interview with our company. This is a security measure to ensure the reliability and safety of our service.
